Don’t be scared of the dismissal line, we got you!
Click the button above and send an email with your student’s name and grade level.
Tardy Policy
Tardiness is defined as the physical absence of a student in the classroom at the beginning of a regularly scheduled session at which he or she is scheduled to be present.
All students arriving after 8:15 am must be accompanied by parents inside, be signed in on the tardy log, and get a tardy pass in order to enter the classroom.
The first three (3) tardy occurrences are documented in the electronic tardy tracking system and serve as a written warning. Consequences begin on the 4th recorded tardy:
(4th, 5th, 6th tardy) Phone call home and note sent home
(7th, 8th, 9th tardy) Lunch detention (30-minutes)
10 occurrences of tardy to school – Documented meeting with the parent, principal, and dean of students. Possible referral to full service schools.
Any other tardies after the 13th occurrence will be reported to a truancy officer.
Examples of acceptable reasons for tardiness are the same as the examples for acceptable reasons for excused absences, such as doctor’s appointment (a note must be provided).
Late Pick Up Policy
Students not picked up on time after regular school hours or any after school activity will be placed in the Extended Day Program after 15 min post official end of the program and be charged according to the Late Fee Schedule below:
1hr 15min - 1hr 30min…………$25
1hr 30min - 1hr 45min………$30
1hr 45min - 2hrs……………………$40
After 6pm……………………..…..………$1/min
After 6 pm if GOCA is unable to reach the parent or any other emergency contacts JSO will be contacted and student will be picked up at JSO Substation.
If any part of the fee is not paid in full, the student will not be able to go on any of the scheduled field trips. Please make sure that all late pick up fees are paid on the day they are applied.
Alternatives to Parent Pick Up
8363 Oden Ave.
Jacksonville, FL 32216
Club Locations: https://www.bgcnf.org/clubs
(904) 396-4435
Website: https://ridealongnow.com/
Little Kingdom Transportation by Auntie alexelpai@icloud.com